[. . . ] MODEL RTO FILLED SYSTEM TEMPERATURE RECORDERS, RPO PRESSURE RECORDERS & RECORDERS CONTROLLERS (ELECTRICAL CONTROL) Instruction Manual Introduction Specification Description of Operation Receipt of Recorder Dimensions and Fixing Installation Mounting Access to Recorder Electrical Connections Process Connections Operation Fitting a Chart Inking System Set Point Adjustment Zero Adjustment Start-up Check Start-up Procedure Calibration Maintenance Replacing a Filled System Replacing a Pressure System Fault Finding Spares List 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 8 8 8 9 10 The chart drive and control system on this system may be operated from a mains voltage supply. The mains must be switched off before any mechanical adjustments (other than of the set pointer) or carrying out any maintenance or fault finding procedures. When making electrical adjustments observe the warning notes in the text. SPECIFICATIONS Accuracy Ambient Chart Drive +/- 1 % FSD. -20°C to +50°C Synchronous electric, battery or mechanical spring wound. [. . . ] If the range does not cover atmospheric pressure, a pressure within this instrument range, measured against a standard pressure gauge should be applied to the instrument. Alarm Contact Adjustment CONTACT DIFFERENTIAL ADJUSTMENT FOR TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE RECORDERS The procedure in the following paragraphs are for single pen or dual pen instruments. With the chart plate removed, cut a segment of chart and place on the chart clarnp. Set the desired value pointer (1 or 2) to the required value by means of the setting knob (3 or 4). Move the actual value pen (5 or 6) until it just makes contact with the switch arm (7). Move the actual value pen (5 or 6) to the required deviation above the desired value pointer (1 or 2) and adjust the high contact (9 or 10) until it just makes contact with the switch arm (7). Low contact is set by moving the actual value pen (5 or 6) to the required deviation below the desired value pointer (1 or 2) and adjusting the low contact screw (8 or 11) until it just makes contact with the switch arm (7). Differential Pressure (Flg. 2) To obtain a zero reading, open balance valve B and close isolating valves A and C. START-UP CHECK Before putting the recorder into operation make the following checks to ascertain that it is correctly installed and operational. The pen(s) operate freely, write clearly on the chart and pass each other without touching. Ensure that, in case of instruments with mechanical clocks, the clock is running and that the correct electrical connections have been made in instruments fitted with electrical clocks. Fit a new chart with its edge under the guide clips, set it to the correct time line and clamp the centre fixing device 2. 3. Warning Before adjusting the Contact Differential with the insulated spanner provided, ensure that the mains supply is isolated and use a continuity tester to establish switching points. 4. 5. START-UP PROCEDURE Be sure that all steps in the start-up check have been completed. Switch on mains supply to external electric alarm/control systems (if applicable). 3. 5 CALIBRATION Three adjustments are provided for calibration purposes:"Zero Adjustment" - to correct the lowest reading "Range Adjustment" - to correct highest reading "Scale Form Adjustment" - to correct midpoint reading 1. FOR INSTRUMENTS FITTED WITH TEMPERATURE SYSTEMS In the following paragraphs, the operation numbers refer to Fig 8. Adjust zero nut (4 or 14) until the range adjustment screw (5 or 6) is at right angles to the screwed link (7 or 8). Ease the pen arm boss (12) from the pen arm spindle taper and set the pen to the centre line of the chart. When making this adjustment, do not turn the pen arm boss on its taper except against the slightest friction, or the pen arm retaining prongs will be bent. Immerse the bulb in the low temperature bath, allow sufficient time for the bulb to attain the bath temperature and adjust the zero nut (4 or 14) until the pen arm registers the temperature shown on the test thermometer. Transfer the bulb to the high temperature bath, allow sufficient time for the bulb to attain the bath temperature and note the position of the pen. If the pen rests below the correct line, halve the error by adjusting the ranging screw (5 or 6) anticlockwise. If the pen rests above the line, adjust the ranging screw (6) clockwise to bring the pen to the top of the chart. Return the bulb to the low temperature bath and adjust the zero nut (4 or 14) to bring the pen to the correct line. [. . . ] If an electronic clock is fitted, switch off and disconnect the mains supply. Remove the bulb from its location and remove the instrument to a clean work bench. If the lower system of a duplex instrument is faulty, unscrew the zero nut (12) and remove compensation washers (11) from the link (8), noting the number and arrangement. Remove the two Bourdon securing screws (9) and slide the Bourdon, including overload spring assembly (10) off the screwed link (8). [. . . ]